Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Assignment 4

The selected paper on vasopressin is "Brain levels of arginine-vasotocin and istocin in dominant subordinate males of a cichlid fish". There were 5 main aspects that the study was looking at, they were as follows:

  1. To characterize the quantitative distribution of arginine vasotocin(AVT) and isotocin(IT)
  2. To compare the quantitative levels of AVT and IT in the different brain regions and pituitary in males of different social behavior phenotypes
  3. To investigate if the hypophysial and extrahypothalamic levels of AVT and IT are coupled or not
  4. To asses if stress levels, as measured by circulating cortisol, are correlated with hypophysial levels of AVT
  5. To investigate the association between peripheral levels of AVT,  as measured by the concentration of AVT in the pituitary, and urine storage in males of different social status   
The results section is organised poorly as it doesn't have all of the data that was collected . What can be distinguished is that AVT is highest in the pitutary gland followed by the olfactory bulb. The rest of the brain regions that were observed had similar low levels of AVT. The only significant difference observed between dominant and subordinante males was that the subordinante males had higher level of AVT. Similar trends were seen when IT was observed except that the only significant difference that was seen was that the hindbrain of dominent males was the only region of the brain to show higher IT levels that the subordinate male to any significant degree.

As far as a correlation went between the different levels of AVT and IT between the different brain regions are they are mostly absent  The authors use this to conclude that this indicates that the secretion of AVT and IT are mostly independent of each other.

There was not difference between the levels of cortisol in the subordinate and dominant males. There was no graph depicting this yet there was a graph that depicted a similar amount of information. The amount urine that is stored in dominant and subordinate fish was shown. Unlike the amount of cortisol levels that were insignificant there was significantly more urine stored in dominant males than there were in subordinate males.
 The authors claim based on the data that because there is large amount of AVT in the pituitaty it is responsible for the physiological changes that are seen between the dominent and subordinate males. This is all very nice but the levels of peripheral AVT was never measured in the periphery. It looks like they made the assumption that because AVT is in high concentrations in the pituitary, that it is secreted in to the periphery. Even if there is a high level of AVT in the perphiery of the fish it would not indicate that they are responsible for the different phenotypes observed. To determine this, a better study would be to inject the fish with AVT and observe their change in behaviour as they are capable of changing phenotypes when the opportunity arises. If a dominant phenotype were to be observed after the injection then it would indicate more conclusively that AVT is related to the different phenotype as opposed to some other reason that could be associated with a dominant phenotype.  

The authors then talk about the significance of AVP in the olfactory bulb. While this did have a high level of AVP when compared to the rest of the brain regions(except the pituitary) there was no significant difference between the male phenotypes. I don't see why it is that they included this section in the paper as it doesn't contribute to the 5 point that they were trying to prove.

Authors did have a good interpretation of the difference in urine content between the two male phenotypes. Urine is used as a method of communication in species and the different amount of urine and rate or release. This has been known to communicate who is more dominant. A dominant male would need more urine as they release urine more frequently. The amount of urine produced by the different male phenotypes however was not adjusted for size, only the total amount of urine was measured. The dominant males were larger than the subordinate males and would have a larger bladder based on size. A size adjusted amount of urine in the two phenotypes would give a better indication whether or not the difference observed was significant or not.

The discussion about the significant amount of IT in the hindbrain of dominant males was discussed relative to that of its effect on other species. They found in literature that IT has a positive effect on approach-withdrawl tendancies. No behavior was noted during the experiment, this is only speculation in the current experiment.

When the authors looked at whether or not the amount of AVT in the pitutary was related to stress as  determined by blood cortisol levels, none was found. The speculate that this may be because the social groups were stable 5-8 weeks before the data was collected and that the fish became habituated. A mechanism like this had been described in other species. The same experiment could be performed at different time periods during the development to the social structure to see if there is a relationship between AVT and stress.

The difference in AVT and IT levels in the brain region compared to the pituitary apparently indicates that the  secretion of AVT in the brain and the periphery is independent. Peripheral levles of AVT and IT would have to be measure to ensure that the pituitary isn't storing a large amount of these hormones in anticipation of some physiological response. The level of secretion may not be relative to the amount stores in the organ. Further study could be performed. It is unclear as to why this wasn't done as a blood sample was taken to measure the amount of cortisol in the blood.

At the end of the article the authors state that it is important to collect information on peptide levels relative to social behavior. More data should be collected to confirm the observations made in the paper as they make some assumptions without measuring important factors. A lot is also speculated based on what has been observed in other species without relating the data back to the current experiment, they demonstrate good aspects that should be studied in the future.

Levels of the hormones studies in females would have been interesting to see and how they compare to the levels observed in the subordinate males seeing as these males mimic the appearance and behavior of the females. 

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